Invicta 9 & 10, Herbal Papaya, at Las Vegas Fight Shop
I keep posting on Facebook and Twitter but forget to blog!
I want to shout-out to my sponsor Herbal Papaya for always sending me delicious, healthy products. I’m definitely a user. 😛 Here’s what I have now, and the Papaya juice is on it’s way. yaaaay!
Papaya leaf is good for the immune system and red blood cell count. I take something of theirs literally every day. I love a spoonful of the extract in my tea or just to satisfy a sweet tooth.
Check out some of their products if you’re curious! :}
Last weekend was fun. Great training on Saturday morning/afternoon, and then in the evening….omg it took me a good five minutes and stalking my friends’ Facebook pages to remember what I did Saturday night. _< My memoryyyyy....I went over Heather's and watched Invicta!
And my training partner Jamie Moyle rocked the world (and her opponent) with her awesome kick-ass fight!
like this!
My other training partner Liz McCarthy lost a bad split decision. _< I thought she should have won. blah. I knew at least one person out of every match-up on the card. I'm a little disappointed in the main event. If Barb thought Hashi didn't have anything for her (as she said in her pre-fight interview), then why did she hold her against the cage the whole time? But hey, I'm not in that situation, I'm not in either of their shoes, so I'm not going to judge. I hate judging fights. Sometimes there IS no why. Stuff happens, people have health and strategy stuff viewers don't know about. Both are super talented, and every fight shouldn't be a slug-fest, right? I for one was kind of tired of bloodbaths. :/ a lot of the fights were really bloody....
My fight for Invicta 10 was announced! Vs Vanessa Porto! I'm so excited. This will be a rematch. I beat her once in 2008, but she has since improved and had challenged Honchak for the belt (and lost, but still). So it'll be a totally different fight. I'm already in good shape. Just gotta increase my cardio a bit and gameplan and I'm good to go.
Sunday I did stairs and weights and yoga, then went shopping with my student Valerie at the Las Vegas Fight shop!
(No, I did not buy the mammoth glove lol)
and then relaxed and watched Lost for the rest of the evening. I just finished the first season! Onto the second! I love it!
Yesterday was Monday…I love Mondays! Two other fightergirls came to practice! 😀 It was awesome!
Oh yeah, there’s a Meet and Greet at Greens for Fightblok and Proteins this Wednesday (tomorrow), on Eastern and 215 in Vegas. Some by and say hi! I’ll be there between 1 and 3.…