this week, training, Mom
It’s been a while since my last blog. I’ve been training super hard. Every day I wake up and wonder if I can go to training that morning, but with the help of my wonderful new team, I’m getting in awesome work. I’m improving skill-wise and my stamina is better.
I went back to Heather’s place for an ice bath. I think I’ll set the gym one up BEFORE training, because nobody wants to wait around afterwards to set it up.
I hate ice baths, but I get out feeling less sore. ;_;
My mom’s moving truck arrived and now the place is cluttered with boxes.
I’m getting along really well with my mom. We have the same sense of humor, so it’s easy for us to make each other laugh. We have similar ways of thinking. We don’t agree on everything, but that’s okay.
This morning, she hugged me and said, “I don’t miss you anymore!” So awesome.
Yesterday, I had training in the morning, then shopping with mom, and then just finished dinner when Shayna Baszler called me on the phone.
“Hey, Rox,” she said. “Guess who’s in Vegas? Wanna come hang out?!”
Me: “WHAT?! YES!!!!”
So I booked it to the Riviera casino hotel and watched Muay Thai fights with Shayna, Jessamyn, and some other people they’re training with! It was nice to see everyone again!
I miss them so much! And everyone else in the TUF house! There are only a few more episodes left? Man! :O
Their teammates literally kicked the crap out of his opponent. It was pretty amazing to watch. The American female fighter laid a beatdown on her Chinese opponent. I was more interested in talking to Shayna and Jessamyn. Shayna taught me how to ‘put the moves’ on someone in the movie theater via arm on arm-rest…something I doubt I will ever use. LOL But Shayna is like my big sister. Teaching me stuff I never know when it’ll be useful. hahah But I can handle this!
So much fun. Thanks for the hospitality to their team.
Got a lot done today shopping wise with mom. I feel like I’m catching a cold. I hope not.…