Crazy-busy Monday, Syndicate training!
On Monday, my schedule was jam-packed. At 8 AM, I took a video for my mom of the new apartment I want us to rent. Went home, uploaded that and sent it to her.
Then I drove to the Auto Insurance office, waited outside the office until 9 AM, and paid my auto insurance fully in cash because I would get a discount. o_O;
Ate a peanut butter sandwich, and went to training at Syndicate! I was really impressed with the way John Wood instructed and ran class. It was so fun to work with Heather Jo Clark!
She’s similar in size to me, little smaller, and very cool. We did a lot of drilling and wall wrestling- I want MORE drilling and less sparring in my training regime, because hard sparring always fux0rs my body up, so if I drill more, I can train more.
I’m going to spend this whole week at Syndicate. I’m still trying to figure out where I want to settle down. Both gyms I’ve been to so far are really good! X_X I love both gyms, both coaches, and the people at both gyms. Gah
After training, I hung out with a dear friend who was in from out of town! And called the health insurance company. And discussed moving with mom. And wrote my new blog.
It’s only for TUF 18! It’s here:
link to blog
I answered 20+ fanmails and tweets. I always try to reply to everybody. I mean, I’m honored you took the time to write to me!
Today I’m hanging out with ANOTHER dear friend from out of town… hopefully I can get chiropractic treatment, too. Jake is magic.…